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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

About Us

About the K-12 School Technology Initiative

In 1996, Gov. David Beasley outlined his vision for education and technology in his State of the State address. As a result of the vision of the Governor, the Legislature, and education supporters throughout the state, the South Carolina K-12 School Technology Initiative was established.

The South Carolina K-12 School Technology Initiative Committee was established by the Legislature by Proviso in 1996. This committee instituted the General Assembly's proactive approach to addressing technology infrastructure, connectivity and education in schools throughout the Palmetto State.

The Initiative – which is steered by a unique public/private partnership including the S.C. Department of Administration, S.C. Department of Education, S.C. Education Oversight Committee, S.C. Educational Television, S.C. State Library, and the private sector represented by AT&T and the S.C. Telecommunications and Broadband Association – guides the distribution of funds appropriated by the Governor and General Assembly. These funds collectively help to meet the state’s schools need for software, hardware, connectivity, digital content, instructional technologies and professional development.

View the K-12 School Technology Initiative Committee's Governance Bylaws.

The K-12 School Technology Initiative is extremely proud of its progress in the development and implementation of educational technology as well as the strides that have been made in providing infrastructure initiatives designed to produce more successful students in South Carolina.

It is our hope that the leaders of the Palmetto State will continue their history of using the K-12 School Technology Initiative to guide the provision of high-quality, information-rich education for all students.

Who makes up the Initiative?

Department of EducationEducation Oversight CommitteeAT&T


South Carolina State LibrarySouth Carolina Telecommunications and Broadband AssociationETV

South Carolina K-12 School Technology Initiative

4430 Broad River Road

Columbia, SC 29210